TIME Markets

Consulting, Management and Investment in the Media and communication markets

The ongoing convergence of media and the globalization of communication markets, particularly the penetration of the European media market by global players, requires an increasing demand for competent consulting and operational implementation in the Telecommunications, Information Technology, Media and Entertainment (TIME) sectors.

The complexity of these sub-markets calls for operational experience and a deep understanding of the development of the converging industries and its structures, as well as extensive experience in consumer demand as it relates to applications like Media, eHealth, Smart Energy and eMobility.

This applies equally to the regulatory and legal complexities of the media and telecommunication markets.

As a consequence of this development, a team of successful executives from the media and telecommunication industries formed Media Consulting Group (MCG) in the year 2000 to assist businesses facing those challenges. Each individual has gathered more than 20 years of operational experience in these market segments, and can draw from an extensive industry network.

The aim of MCG is the process-oriented accompaniment for large national and international companies in the telecommunications and application industries, in support of its strategic orientation and its implementation.


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